Member-only story
Dealing with Delta
Back to Masking, Back to Monitoring, Back in the Manure Again
I’m a Boston-based cancer doctor and I’ve been writing weekly fact-based-no-blame-no-rumors-all-science-all-the-time essays about Covid-19 since March 2020.
You can read my views on why to get a summer cold tested here — or about protecting our kids here — or you can read about vaccines/anti-vaxxers throughout history here.
I keep looking for this Broadway show tune :
“There was one perfect night in June,
When we sat by the light of the moon,
And we felt the worst was over,
And we sang in our field of clover,
And we thought we were pretty done with masks/distance/ventilation And we thought we were past all that worry about our children/schools/conference rooms/choirs/weddings/travel/bars/restaurants/etc/etc/etc,
And we could go visit Aunt Berta in Boise and Uncle Maskless in Woburn and DisneyWorld in Florida and maybe that gigantic mall in Minnesota even if it meant a layover in Des Moines
But then it turned out a mutant virus called Delta was already ready to screw up our lives all over again
And we were reminded you can’t argue with the biology of a virus,