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Dr Robin’s Covid-19 Updates
Protecting the Kids
How to Build a Wall of Protection Around The Loves of Your Life
I’m a Boston-based cancer doctor and I’ve been writing weekly fact-based-no-blame-no-rumors-all-science-all-the-time essays about Covid-19 since March 2020.
You can read my views on why to get a summer cold tested here — or about Delta here — or you can read about vaccines/anti-vaxxers throughout history here.
Let’s talk about our beloved unvaccinated little kids — our sun and our moon and our stars.
The clinical trials for Covid vaccines for kids 5–11 are wrapping up. There are rumors that kids’ vaccines will be discussed for EUA approval in a month or two. If they end up approved and available, this will help a lot with back-to-school worries.
But we’re not there yet. And the kids need to go to school right when we’re facing a very real surge of a very contagious variant. So what to do in the meantime?
The most important thing is to BUILD A WALL of vaccinated people around your kids. Everybody in your house and school needs to get vaccinated, and I mean everybody.
All day every day people tell me their Uncle Maskless has told them he “can’t get the vaccine because he’s got…” (fill in the blank for Disease A or Allergy B or Condition C) And…