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Dr. Robin’s Covid Updates
What To Do If You Get Sick With Covid
Twenty-Two Tips from the Trenches
So you got the dreaded email/phone call: you’ve got the Covid. Maybe you’re completely asymptomatic, or maybe you’re already sickly. No matter what, it’s a rough moment, and can be pretty scary.
Fundamentally, this positive test means you are infected and infectious (contagious) and you need to stay home for at least ten days after your positive test or onset of symptoms. What should you do now?
a) First thing: call your doctor. Let them know you’re positive and see what they have to say.
b) Then, right away, call everybody you’ve seen the last few days, and let them know you’re infected. Tell them they need to get tested five days after the day you were together, and tell them they ABSOLUTELY NEED TO STAY HOME til they get their test results.
c) Then, get yourself ready to be (hopefully not very) sick and self-isolated for ten days.
It super helps to be prepared ahead of time. Since you can’t leave the house — no shopping, no car rides with family or Uber, no post office visits — knowing you’ve got a “Covid Kit” standing by can be a real comfort when you get the news of a positive test.